C-Reactive protein (CRP)

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C-Reactive protein (CRP)

An acute phase protein that belongs to the pentraxin family of proteins. It is produced by the liver hepatic cells and used as a biomarker for inflammatory conditions

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Human Fluids


Feasible for controls and calibrators in immunoassays

Purity Analysis

~ 99 % high pure and ~ 80 % part pure by SDS-PAGE

Immunological Activity

Immunoactivity is checked by Latex Turbidimetry method (Turbilatex, Spinreact)


Liquid high pure CRP in 20mM Tris buffer & 280mM Sodium Chloride, 5mM Calcium Chloride, pH 7.9 – 8.1 containing 0.09% Sodium Azide and part pure CRP in 50mM Tris buffer & 280mM Sodium Chloride, 5mM Calcium Chloride, pH 7.9 – 8.1 containing 0.09% Sodium Azide

Donor Status



2-8°C in working aliquots

Other Information

CRP is stable for 3 years at 2-8°C

Viral Testing

The viral marker test negative for HBs-Ag, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV (I and II) using CLIA (US-FDA approved). The antigen is also tested for the absence of viral DNA/RNA for HBV, HIV (I) and HCV using PCR technology

Material Safety Note

This product is not for human/animal consumption. Use only in in vitro research or products. All bio-safety precautions must be practiced while handling. Discard (if needed) as per local environmental regulation

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