Dr. Paresh Bhanushali
Executive Leadership Team

Dr. Paresh Bhanushali is the Founder Director and Chief Operations Officer at YBL. He is also the member of the Board. He holds a Master’s degree from School of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai (IIT-Bombay) and a Ph.D in Medical Biotechnology from MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, India. He carries an extensive knowledge and experience in protein biochemistry, which includes protein purification, characterization, structural and functional studies and has published in several national and international journals of repute. Apart from Medical Biotechnology, he is a follower of Ayurveda and loves reading. He believes in making ‘the best out of waste’, and has a great interest in repairing and making use of old electronic and mechanical items. He is highly passionate and has an inquisitive mind